Monday, January 2, 2012


Ok, so its the new year. As part of the new year, as per 3/4 of the worlds population, we have decided we have let ourselves go for FAR too long and its time to do some weight loss..again...

last year we tried atkins briefly...but i couldn't handle the smell of jackson's breath when he entered the ketoacidosis stage. Also...i can't eat THAT MUCH MEAT. cripes. for the first time in my life i thought i might actually kill someone for an apple. a FREAKING apple.

This year we are going to go "low bad carbs" "yay high fibre ok carbs" its a mix of the old school "core plan" from WW, and a splash of low carb thrown in for fun. (which technically the core plan is...its low carb YAY meat/veg/fruit but unlike atkins they don't love full fat.  But we do LOL! So we are sticking to full fat little to no carbs and lots of veg and meat. The problem for me is...I LOVE BAKING... all the TIME! So i've been scouring the internet for recipes. Low carb bread baking etc.

So far i have found 3 awesome recipes i cannot wait to try. a bread with NO FLOUR..a pumpkin spice smoothie, and a chocolate cake made from almond flour.

Also...i've made a commitment to myself 30 minutes of walking/speed walking every day. unless i am dying from sickness or something...i WILL be on that treadmill.

And...we are going to purchase a sun i can have 30mins a day of 10,000 lux of beautiful sun like lighting. Stupid winter this year is REALLY bringing me down. I spent 30minutes this morning sitting in the front window in the sunlight, but as the sun vanished i found myself leaning out of my chair trying to suck every last ray into my skin.

So here i am about to make some peanut butter low carb bread and hop on the treadmill.

2011 you sucked ass.
2012 you're going to make my dreams come true!